Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone! Ho Ho Ho!

Hello people from earth and beyond! This is Casey and Cody on our blog and we just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

We really hope that you get a lot of presents.

Remember we have Christmas because Jesus was born and the rest of the story.

It's a good thing we have an ornament that's a bell so it's like a Cody bell so when he's bothering the tree it goes "ring, ring, ring" and we'll know. So, uh....Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night until Christmas comes and Santa doesn't say that anymore.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

C & C Animalz

Here are some of me and Cody's favorite picturz. (Cody's a wild animal!)

C & C Jokes

Here are some jokes me and Cody like to call "C & C Jokes." And Cody's favorite one is the third one. And my favorite one is the second one. So here are our jokes:

My friend came to my house yesterday. And his face was all read and puffy. I said, "Hey! Why is your face like that?" He said, "I stopped to smell a brose." I said, "There's no B in brose." Then he said, "There was in that one!"

My mom came home with a baby kitten. She said, "I just got this for your little sister!" I said, "Great deal!" (The mom sold the little sister for the kitten.)

Question: Why did the elephant cross the road?
Answer: It was the chicken's day off!

Question: What do you call a lion in the North Pole?
Answer: LOST!!!

Question: What is gray, has a tail, big ears, and a trunk?
Answer: An elephant?
Answer: Nope! It's a mouse going on vacation!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Happy New Year from Casey and Cody!

Happy New Year from Casey and Cody! I hope you enjoy this new year and new picture.


Here is one of my favorite art works that I made called Black with a Rainbow. I really like it.

Welcome to C & C Fun!

We are having so much fun together already! I can't believe my little brother is already 9 months old. We are having fun learning tricks. We learned to share, make friends, and make ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba noises and saying Da-da, Ma-ma, and Bub-buh. He likes to play with my toys. He really likes my Webkinz tiger snake. Casey the big brother got a new toy called a Forest Critter today. Cody has a cell phone he loves to play with. Cody likes putting his fingers in Daddy's nose and pulling Mommy's hair and scratching his brother's eye. We love to go visit our grandmas or our grandmas come to visit us. We love playing with them. We also learned to pattycake. And we learned how to roll your hands around. We're just about to learn how to crawl. He can stand up and jump around. Once we told him to walk to Mama and he jumped to Mama! Casey thinks that it is fun having a cute little brother named Cody.